• Reached Milestones
  • Assembly
  • upcoming Milestones

Project Start

October 1, 2020

The EU funded project HYPERRIDE starts under the roof of the Horizon 2020 initiative with 10 partners from 6 different countries to develop technologies for more effiecient and stable power grids.

Specification and requirements

March 1, 2021

The first milestone schedules to define the basis of future DC and hybrid AC-DC infrastructure. Therefore, the first work package determines requirements on DC grid systems as well as derived KPIs. In addition, a report outlines the HYPERRIDE use case descriptions, the respective specification of target fulfillment and the roadmap for implementation.

2021 Bridge General Assembly

March 2, 2021

BRIDGE is an European Commission initiative that unites Smart Grids, Energy Storage, Islands and Digitalisation projects to create a structured view of cross-cutting issues. HYPERRIDE actively participates in the 4 main working groups – Data management, Regulation, Business models as well as Consumer and Citizens engagement. The results are provided with the HYPERRIDE partners as valuable input for their interaction with industrial users.


March 22, 2022


March 29, 2023

At the BRIDGE General Assembly, it proved of great importance to strengthen the sharing of experiences and identify potential synergies. The European Commission and the BRIDGE Secretariat strive to involve external stakeholders in a flexible manner to define common priority themes, synchronise efforts and optimise the overall use of resources to achieve a sustainable energy transition. Lessons learnt from the almost completed projects are a valuable contribution to HYPERRIDE’s work: several speakers presented ongoing international activities.

Hybrid Grid Enabling Solutions

May 1, 2023

This milestone schedules that at this time core enabling technologies in automation and security solutions are available for the demonstration sites. Moreover, the core techonology development are finalized and the implementation phase at the demonstration sites starts.


April 9, 2024

Demonstration Sites finalized

July 1, 2024

In order to achieve this milestone, at this time all demonstration sites are operational regarding the core functionality. Moreover, the technology development are finalized and thus available for the start of exploitation.

Business Innovation Plan

March 31, 2025

In the end, the project expoitation is recorded in a report. In detail it wraps up the costs and benefits for the most promising use cases and technologies derived from the HYPERRIDE project, the identification of the potential legal/regulatory barriers and the identification of social barriers at local community.

End of the Project

March 31, 2025

The HYPERRIDE project is successfully completed and the final report submitted.