The HYPERRIDE consortium is composed of 10 partners from 6 countries:

Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Italy and Austria

To accomplish the maximal impact, the HYPERRIDE consortium was assembled of partners that cover the all system integration levels from planning and operation, via digitalization and automation, technology providers and system integrators.

Further the consortium is well balanced between industry (large enterprise and SME), and R&D institutions (RTOs and academia) which are delivering the necessary expertise for HYPERRIDE deployment and integration.


AIT (Austria)

engages as the coordinator of HYPERRIDE and it is also active in design and development, test and validation procedures for grid connected components and systems. Further, AIT provides solutions for grid planning and operation, grid digitalization and automation.

EPFL (Switzerland)

 provides extensive knowledge on grid infrastructures and power electronics for MVDC conversion. As pilot site operator EPFL can integrate AC-DC hybrid micro grids with different types of generation and storage linked to a real MVAC grid.

RWTH (Germany)

contributes with knowledge on grid automation and power electronics for grid infrastructures. As MVDC pilot site operator RWTH also can leverage on previously gained knowledge on hybrid grid operation linked to an AC grid.

FEN (Germany)

will act as a dissemination and exploitation leader, and contribute in terms of IPR management, market analysis and coordination within the BRIDGE initiative.

ENG (Italy)

 brings expertise on grid automation and software solutions including cybersecurity topics.

EATON (Czech Republic)

offers control strategies for DC grids as well as MVDC circuit breaker technologies needed for a safe and secure operation.


is the link between technology providers and distribution system operators  as a solution provider for grid integration.

ASM (Italy)

provides infrastructure assets as well as the necessary knowhow for its operation.

SciBreak (Sweden)

 as a Swedish SME leverages on a novel circuit breaker approach for fast and secure as well as repeatable switching.

ZELISKO (Austria)

provides measurement technologies for MVDC grids needed for a fast response and operation based on automation strategies.